Meet The Members - Larry Boswell


“The revolution introduced me to art, and art introduced me to the revolution.” -Albert Einstein

The topic of oneself through their own lens is definitely a hard one to capture, especially since I feel like I change and evolve everyday. I started off wearing my city on my sleeve, thinking I can dive head first into music because I’m from Chicago… but in reality, I was far from right. I shifted my focus to put more of myself into the music, and the more emotion I put into each track, the less music I dropped and more notes I had. I had to teach myself, to have that connection with what you’re writing is fine, but at the end of all your feelings, someone else can and will feel different. The goal is no longer to inspire, not to make you feel, not to change your mind, or your goals, but if you’re interested then listen close, but don’t believe your ears.
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